Trill PantherMy renovated music career will commence now that I have moved to the city of L.A. I used to be in a band in Long Beach called The Messenger, years ago. I have shared the stage with some great bands and musicians alike, as openers or direct support; all across the United States. Initially, I was eager to do nothing but play shows, now coming to the realization that the foundation of my music will be paved in the studio.

My ambition is to create a sound that is developing through the times, always staying current, but true to the sound I enjoy playing. Moving to L.A. has sparked my motivation to take my career into a direction I haven’t mentally, or physically felt yet.

Ultimately, I’d like to say that I am a studio artist, trying to perfect my sound until I’m ready for the stage again. I encourage you to stick with me and be apart of something that is developing into what could be your favorite artist of 2015.